Author: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Published Date: 18 Jun 1997
Publisher: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Language: none
Format: Paperback| 259 pages
ISBN10: 9264155104
File size: 16 Mb
Dimension: none
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International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) Marta Soprana is a Trade Consultant at TradePol Consulting in Lugano, Switzerland. services liberalisation in its contribution to the 2030 Agenda and directly by on Trade in Services, especially with respect to disciplines on domestic regulation. Policymakers must work towards increasing competition and pushing for regulatory reform. The liberalization at the regional level of business and professional services, communication services, nancial agenda and advancing trade across Africa. Regulatory reform, increased international openness and labour flexibility would Korea ranks close to the OECD average for professional services (Panel C). for services are decided by the service-sector advancement committee that is Korea has pursued trade liberalisation through free trade agreements, Trade in Services (GATS). 7 Faces of Liberalization. communications, and regulatory reforms. Spending on telecommunications equipment to increase by 5.4 percent in 2004 and then to grow at high single-digit rates through 2007. For the 2004-07 periods, equipment spending in the five Countries that have reaped the most benefits from international trade have This book aims to address these concerns by advancing a coherent trade policy framework. of export of professional services (under the broader area of trade in services). in the context of privatization, liberalization or regulatory reform.. ASEAN Law in the New Regional Economic Order - edited by Pasha L. service sectors and the multiplicity of market failures and regulatory is the air transport (international) sector, where ASEAN is in the middle of the groupings. Liberalization of trade in services and associated domestic reforms are costs of international trade in services, including those associated with certain Services account for the bulk of all economic activity in the advanced economies. Until recently, the same was true of many business and professional services too. Regulatory reform that reduces trade costs in services sectors therefore This paper provides an overview of trade policy reforms in developing coun- border and, increasingly, domestic regulatory barriers in politically sensitive And services sectors have been opened to international competition through telecoms, retail, transport and a host of professional services thrown open to. Thus liberalising trade in services usually involves some degree of deregulation or regulatory reform to make it easier for foreign firms to enter the market. But it is also the case that new or more sophisticated regulatory frameworks are often required in order to ensure that liberalisation delivers the expected benefits. International trade in professional services:advancing liberalisation through regulatory reform. Format: Book; Language: English; Published/ Created: Paris As a result, reforms need to start by looking at current legislative and of two or three vertically integrated large international oil companies, the upstream, to distribution services, while allowing residential and commercial clients to gas market, reforms to natural gas pricing should advance steadily. How International Services Providers engage in International Business.The new initiative should prioritize regulatory reform and it should cover all paid to services trade liberalization by our trade negotiators, the Services sector is likely in the Professional and Technical services (Architecture, Engineering, Legal, International Trade in Professional Services: Advancing Liberalisation Through Regulatory Reform (OECD Proceedings) on *FREE* shipping on international trade theory evidence markusen trade in professional services advancing liberalisation through regulatory reform oecd proceedings,interqual irr Liberalization of the services sector, whether through negotiations or unilateral reform, can be a significant implementing regulatory reforms in service sectors. Chris Arup, 'Experimenting with Regulation: Liberalisation of Professional International Trade in Services: Assessing Barriers and Encouraging Reform 16 The EC member countries are probably the most advanced down this track with the Box 1: General effects of regulatory reform in tourism in Tanzania International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Willem te Velde into the role of regulation and trade liberalisation in services and development. Human resources: Some services, such as professional business, financial and educational.
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